MK Semi-mobile Crusher and Screen Benefits

2024-06-05 | Author: SBM

SBM's MK series introduces a versatile semi-mobile crushing and screening solution. The MK Semi-mobile Crusher and Screen features a tracked undercarriage for relocation across job sites. This enables location flexibility without the complexity of full track-mounting. A wide choice of crushing chambers cater to diverse aggregate and recycling applications.

Paired with the crusher is the MK Semi-mobile Crusher and Screen, which shares the tracked mobility to keep pace with the crushing unit. Its multi-deck screening capabilities offer complete particle separation for shaping quality end products. Together the interlinked crusher and screen units provide high throughput within limited footprints. As a semi-mobile package, the MK series strikes an optimal balance of production efficiencies and manoeuvrability matched to frequent relocation needs.

MK Semi-mobile Crusher and Screen

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